Friday, November 11, 2011

Fact: Toothpaste can kill you

How hard would the coroner laugh when he found out you had died of an Aquafresh overdose ? At first he may think you had died of Rabies, but then of course, after realizing the minty freshness of your breath, would know - it wasn;t in fact a rabid, foaming disease, brought on by your affinity for squirrel meat, but rather, it was your toothpaste as the culprit. Your pearly white Colgate smile, forever interupted by the very Colgate you lovingly used twice a day or more. Isnt that something? In child proofing my house I never thought the list would look like this :

  • Medicines
  • Cleaning products
  • Toothpaste !?!
 I read the back of the tube of my Childrens Aim this morning and sure enough, it says  "if more than a pea size amount is ingested get medical help and contact Poison control immediately". WOW.
                    So now you know, you and me both. To be honest, I had no idea about this when my girls were little, thankfully they survived my teen mom learning curves. Turns out, Sodium Flouride is one of the main ingredients in Rat Poison and Toothpaste. Hitler first used fluoridated drinking water  in concentration camps as a mass medicating way to sterilize and calm the people. Crazy!?! Guess its time to clean house and get on down to my nearest hippie-mart for some fluoride free baking soda tooth delight !


Heather said...

You might want to look into the water supply ... most places are still adding flouride to drinking water. (We think it's for the same purpose Adolf used it.)

Colleen said...

Yes Heather I was aware of that as well, when I lived in Eagle Idaho as a baby there was some problem with too much Fuoride in the water and it ruined my front teeth-Crazy! Scary and sad, wonder if water filters can filter it out? From what I read it really does nothing good for anyone as it is claimed. It's a real shame :-(

toronto funky said...

The government approved the incorporation of fluoride in our water system just to help out our teeth in preventing formation of cavity.

Koren said...

I guess this will be another thing added to the list that my little Aiden will not be getting anytime soon, along with never walking to school or home alone, never being in a car with anyone other than mom or dad and eating peanuts (even though he doesn't have a peanut allergy. I feel like if he eats too many he may get one!)

Colleen said...

I'm guessing Toronto Funky is a Dental Hygienist...Either way I say tomato you say tomawto, ya dig?

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