Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fact: I am a Mother

And my day is comin up. Turns out I kinda hate Mothers Day so far. Ok, perhaps hate is too strong a word - maybe dislike is better. This sounds pretty Shitty I know. Here are the good things about it :

  • My kids bring me breakfast in bed
  • They make me sweet cards (well the older ones not so much anymore) but they make Daddy get me flowers.
  • They let me sleep in

THAT'S IT. The rest of the day I have to clean as usual, do laundry, bathe, cook, etc. Just like any other day.  I should be grateful for all those things for I am so superiorly blessed to be a Mother of 4 healthy, happy children. TRUE, I just wrote that to prove I am very grateful for all those things. But my thought is that truly EVERY DAY is Mothers Day right now;While the kids are young. I drive them everywhere, cook most all meals, bathe them, read to them, etc. I am Momma 24/7. When they are grown I would love to spend my entire Mothers day with them, just smiling at all they have become and cherishing each moment. But right now? Id like the day off.
Yeah I said it.
I would like my day off to be Mothers day. I would love a full relaxing day at the spa followed by a happy family dinner. A day for Mom to get some time ALONE. To be pampered. To have dinner out , to come home to a CLEAN house and have my husband do the bedtime ritual. Is that to much to ask? He says its my day, I should spend it with the kids...UHHH HELLOOO thats every day !! Is this asking for to much? Am I being selfish? YES. But, this is my blog and I can dream if I want to.

1 comment:

Torikay said...

Preach on, Girl! I am right there with you!

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