Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fact: My life didnt come with a manual

Sometimes I wish it had. Turn to page 146 for a sassy teen, page 12 for a biting toddler, page 100 for marital issues, page 256 for dealing with your own parents, etc. Maybe I will write one!! Something to work towards anyway. (but then that would negate this whole post about giving advice..go figure.) Do you ever find that everyone has an opinion? Obviously its how we were made, naturally judgmental characters. However, some more than others, seem to have ALL the answers. Some people seem to have done it all,  seen it all,  know it all,  with stories for it ALL. I am friends with one, this is what she reminds me of. LOL.
Its not just her. I'd say 8 times out of 10 when you vent to someone, they can tell you exactly what you should do.

You know what? I dont really give a shit what "you would do" if you were me. Please pardon my attitude here, but honestly. Unless you have gone through what I am going through then I dont want to hear it. Even then (sometimes) I still dont. I respect advice, I really do. Don't get me wrong here, I appreciate friends that are there for me to listen and offer constructive criticism. I am willing to hear anyone out, I often give my two cents to those venting to me. In light of how I feel about this topic I try to remember to give my thoughts and not spew answers, or just listen and not say much at all because sometimes thats really all someone needs - SILENCE. A sympathetic ear from a friend who listens and says "I see how you feel and here are some ideas that may make things easier " or "I have been there and you can get through this as I did" these are caring, thoughful approaches and are welcomed. Its the advice like this, "Girl, if my man did that to me I would kick his ass to the curb" or "You better tell your kids this, mine would never get away with that" WHATEVER.

Ever heard this phrase "You do you, Ima do Me" Thats a recent favorite of mine. For the late person, this means "You do your things your way and I will do my things my way". Some input I tend to get A LOT of is on my marriage. Due to the fact my husband had an affair and cheated other times as well throughout our union. My way of dealing with this has been to move forward with him in the picture. This is NOT, by far, NOT the easiest way to go. But I have many factors for why I have chosen this route, it is my bed and I am laying in it. I did not ask for an opinion and dont need to explain my reasons to anyone but God. Also, I dont remember asking you to come lay next to me in this bed I've made, so kindly leave my room.

I also have one child who is a VERY picky eater. She does get special food sometimes, for example at Thanksgiving I make her her own chicken cutlets. I dont ask anyone to cook special for her if she visits, but I also dont ask anyone to come make her special food for dinner ie; she has a hamburger when we have brats-its not a big deal to me because I love her, so why do people gafaw when they find out? "Well I would make my kid go with no dinner if she doesnt eat what everyone else is eating" Well good for you !

                       I would do it for any of my babies, some things just arent really that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. And with Twins, FUHGEDABOUDIT! The advice almost never stops rolling in, from complete strangers no less ! Also all of my kids tend to be a bit messy as I have talked about in the past. It drives me bonkers YES, but its not enough to make me go all Mommy Dearest on their asses. They are good kids, good grade getters, respectful, loving and my older two are so helpful with the babies I am truly blessed.  I may vent about being frustrated by them at times, who doesnt? I am just  looking for a listener -not all the answers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Did mom call or something? or maybe me! HAHAHAHAHA I love you and your picky eater :D

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