Wednesday, April 27, 2011

FACT: I am not SAHM material

By this I am refering to : Stay At Home Mom (not Sexy and Hot Mamma which is exactly what I am) It was solidified that this was not my calling as I was home last week with my twins. One of whom had the Hand, Foot, & Mouth virus and both of whom had a stomach virus. This translates to 2 whining babies that feel awful and are puking and shitting non-stop. Which then moved through the family to me, and both my older daughters. Thank goodness my hubbs cleans carpets for a living as we needed it after all that body fluid release. Did that create a good visual or should I go into further detail for a more vivid perspective? Sorry.
Obviously this is not the norm. I do LOVE spending time with my kids and taking care of their every need ,but day in and day out with one sick toddler is one thing; double that is a mental breakdown waiting to happen. By the Grace of God we made it through.
For me, the worst part of staying home has to be not having social interaction. I like the comradary at work, I like having a goal to complete by the end of the day and I enjoy the peace and quiet in my cubical.
At home sure there are plenty of goals, but my twins wont allow those to be completed. I am not sure about all these aother SAHM's but my babies require Mommy be in the same room with them when they are sick, otherwise its a crazy loud waterworks festival that I want no part of.
Then there is the daytime TV, CRIPES!!! The worst programming by far, but the most annoying are the commercials. All are aimed at either a SAHM's need for diapers & cleaning products, Old goats in need of Insurance, Scooters or Diabetes meds, those in trouble looking at attorneys for DUI or Car wrecks, and finally trying to get pothead losers to pick a trade school.
I see all these blogs written by Mommy's that have their playgroups, fancy dishes they have whipped up, sewing projects, crafty knick knack projects, etc. I suppose this was the same in the fifties a June Cleaver envy if you will. I guess if my kids werent sick and were on a specific schedule it may be easier to do all that...though pretty sure i'd still rather work in my quiet cube, at least part time :-) I dont know how all the modern day June Cleavers do it (they must take double the Prozac I do). More power to them, I love my kids more than anything, and enough to know staying home all day with them is not for me!

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