Friday, April 8, 2011

Fact: I find the Disney "vault" to be a dumbass concept

The fact is that my twins are now toddlers. Both of whom really enjoy cartoons.Which means this is a super fun time (because i love em too).  Time for me to bring out classics they are sure to love. So colorful, so imaginative, especially the ones you loved as a child. Right now they are hooked on Nemo. Its a bit crazy how much they love it. Then Monsters Inc. it really is too cute to see them get so scared and then laugh hysterically. So here I am thinking I gotta get more, stat. Heck, I can get a lot done around the house in 55 minutes! For sure they would LLLLLLLOVE The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, The Jungle Book, Snow White, etc. In the middle of making this list, I remember.
You can not just head out to your local store and pick up these movie favorites for your children. Noooo, because they are in the fabled Disney Vault. Alongside a cryogenically frozen Walt, sit our old faves waiting for the next big digitally remastered release. Seriously?!  My stepmother collected each one for years in their HUGE, plastic, vcr packaging. There value was sure to increase while they yellowed from the smoke in the home, taking up tons of shelving, not to mention causing quite the cluttered eye sore even if they were neatly displayed. Eventually these "collectors edition", money making , vhs behemoths, would soon be replaced by DVD. Foiling her whole plan. Now its Blue-Ray's turn and whats next? Perhaps flash drives, then come the micro-chips, then maybe a 10 year brain download? Where does it end?
Each time you open the damn vault, technology has completely bypassed this ridiculous system and you have to begin re-releasing each one in its new form. Its a bit non-sensical if you ask me.
Cant we just tear down the wall so I wont have to wait until my twins are 15 to show them what a dinglehopper is, or sing hakunamata with them ? I realize I can netflix the classics or borrow a VCR and find the smokey copies in a box somewhere, but  I would rather have free range access to run to the store and pick out my favorites when I want them! I have a dream. A dream that every toddler, baby & child get to see the Sleeping Beauty's, the Jungle animals, the Dwarfs, and Mermaids of Disney, on their time. No more having to wait for the netflix queue or a vault to open. No longer waiting 10 years for Pinochio to become a real boy again. C'mon Disney, OPEN UP !!!


JIMocracy said...

I think the last Disney movie we bought was The Emperor's New Groove (for which, I have both English and Chinese versions). We pretty much have everything up released until then and I would be more than happy to JIMflix you some movies. Just let me know your top priorities and I will do my best to bring them in on Monday.

Colleen said...

hahaha!!!JimFlix thats classic :-) Thanks Jim, but my kids tend to break, scratch, and ruin movies. Yeah so I shouldnt let them, I just choose to not borrow from anyone because I know what can go wrong! LOL So I buy a lot to tell you the truth - hence the need for the stupid vault to be open Id buy multiple copies, im sure many people would-they'd make more $$.

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