Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fact: I believe in Ghosts

Do you have a ghost story ? Lately I have been watching Celebrity Ghost Stories. Its like a lot of shows of the same nature just a celebrity telling there stories and since I am a self professed "Gossip Rag Hag", of course this show sucked me right in. I actually do not watch Scary movies at all anymore, ever. The last one I watched was Scream. I was at my sisters house in Idaho several years ago. She left me alone to pick up her husband right after the movie, go figure once she was gone - the phone rang, I FREAKED. Total pussy - yes, not ashamed to admit it. A few years later a friend brought over the Blair Witch movie. We got to the tent shaking scene and that was it. I made them take it out and back to the video store, I was convinced this movie would surely invite evil to my house and wanted no part in it. It hadnt even gotten scary yet, LOL.
This stuff gives me the heebee jeebees!!! However, if there is no blood and guts I will watch it, cant look away. I dont know what it is about people wanting to scare themselves. I remember my friends and I totally freaking ourselves out to the point of hiding in the bathroom with the door locked, so totally scared but it was fun. I suppose its an adrenaline thing? Anyways, ever since my sister passed away I have wanted to see her. I have prayed and asked if she could come to me in a dream, sorta like asking God if she could come to play? I'm also a nerd -yes- not ashamed to admit that either.
I have talked just out loud at times and asked if she is around to do something so I would know, still no dice. My stepmother said she had seen her once right after she passed,  this made me so angry. I mean, of all people why would she come to her?! Im still a little pissed at this but am willing to bet the stepmonstermother, was lying.  Who knows. I am still waiting Elise!
 I have had a few odd happenings over time though nothing as dramatic as some of these celebrities. If you want to raise the hair on your arms a bit, check it out. The last thing that happened to me was about 8 years ago. My daughter and I were watching TV on a saturday, no big woop. All of a sudden, our cordless phone flew off the counter! I came across the room, and onto the edge of the couch. It was about 5 feet, and it wasnt just a fall. It literally came off the counter and floated across the room, but very fast. (Here I thought I was having flashbacks from bad partying choices made at a younger age) until my daughter says, "Mom!  Did you do that ?" She was only 6 at the time. To this day she brings it up, we both saw it and have no idea how it happened. Maybe it was gravitational magnetic pull ? Maybe it was my sister ? Maybe Harry Potter in the invisibilty cloak ? Whatever it was,  it creeped us out good ! Now all I can think of is Vincent Price laughing in Thriller.



Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!! sometimes I think we are literally the same person! HAHAHA! even though, yes I made you watch scream and then had to leave! hahaha!! Oh, good times :D hahahaha! I too have been watching Celeb Ghost stories!!! the Vince Neil one sucked me in! go figure!;P I always wish the same to about Elise, I did have a dream a few months after she was gone and we were in Chicago, I was walking up a parking garadge swirly ramp and it was really windy, she just appeared and said she was alright and we were going to be too............. I wish I could dream it again and again,:( And since she LOVED scary movies I do think it was her that "threw" the phone! :D hahahahhaha I love you! and Yes I think Stepmom lies! hahahahahahaha!!!


Colleen said...

YAY! We are perfect sisters! I am glad you had that experience, make me feel much better. I agree she had to have been the phone thrower! LOL yes LIES!

Koren said...

These blogs need to have a like button! LOL. :)

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