Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fact: I might avoid you if I see you in real life...

             Last night at the supermarket while running errands for dinner and my daughter Kysa's birthday gifts, I saw a couple "friends". I avoided saying hello and pretended as if I had not seen them. C’mon, I can’t be the only one who has ever done this!?!

These are people I have on my Facebook friends list. The 240 some odd people I have had more than a brief encounter with in life but of which, only maybe 10 would help me move if asked. You ?       Though some were friends once upon a time say in Jr High School we haven’t had any other interaction since then. Some of them, even back then were just in a class together ,we didn’t like hang out on the weekends or go to each others birthday/kegger parties (depending on age at the time). I don’t know their children and vice versa. We only know whats new based upon what we see posted on FB. I may “like” some things they say, add an LOL to something funny, or offer up prayers if they post something in that vein, but other than that we don’t talk. Not like true friends do anyways.We don’t have each others email addresses or send yearly Christmas cards. (Though some family members never even send me a Christmas card, apparently I move to often to be kept in their book, but that’s for another time, but Im not bitter.)

       Now, I do have friends not seen in years for example that roost out of state. I would love to see each of them again and would welcome the supermarket bump-in to throw my arms around them for a big lovin hug and follow up with a mad chatfest.
         But this other type of friendship is just more of an acquaintanceship to be honest. (Unless they are FB stalking you.) Because then, surely they would run up to say hello and gush over all the pics you post, and things you say, its just all together outer limits; Bringing a realization of ...hmmm, maybe all that privacy setting talk, and not sharing everything jazz is something I should pay more attention too-YIKES.
        Anyways, After the hello what do you say? Perhaps a nerdy “hey saw your post about loving that new candy bar, that was pretty sweet.” Then, how do you end the conversation? Do you exchange numbers, knowing full well you will never call one another? Do you say, “alright then see you around on Facebook (insert fake laugh here)” The whole thing just seems so awkward to me I would rather avoid it all together, and I did and I believe they did as well. So then, why are we “friends” at all if neither wants to know each other in person?


Koren said...

No you are not the only person that does this. I've done it and I will probably continue to do it. If there are awkward moments then I avoid them like plague. LOL! You know my Chik-fil-A story....

Anonymous said...

CRACK ME UP! I better not be the "relative" that forgot the Christmas card!HAHAHAHHA! (but I think I am!) hahahaha I agree, it is weird.......... :D

Love ya Hanna

Carrie LaFay said...

Clicked onto this blog from Tori's link and started reading. Your blog makes me laugh and you say the things that everyone is really thinking but too nervous to voice out loud. It took me awhile to realize that we have met, were friends in elem/jr. high, but really just acquaintances. So, I won't stalk you on facebook (LOL) but I will likely keep reading your posts because you are too funny! Carrie Wright-LaFay (Buck's teaching friend's daughter)

Colleen said...

Carrie Wright ! I would never forget you :-) I rememeber everyone from Weippe even though it was a short period in my life it was my favorite home and I miss it and all my friends even to this day, I love going back to visit Hanna in kamiah and my mom so I occasionally get to see old friends and it makes me so happy:-)! I hope you are doing well and I would love to be your FB friend so hit me up! Oh yeah and thanks for your kind words, I try to tell it like it is mainly I just need to get it off my chest and I always hope it makes someone laugh. LOL

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